Fun fortune telling about love stories for 12 zodiac signs in July 2017 2Fun fortune telling about love stories for 12 zodiac signs in July 2017 2

Are there any surprises in the love stories of the 12 zodiac signs this month?

Aries (Born March 21 – April 19)

The love life of Aries zodiac signs will be heated up this month.

The full moon on the 8th will make you much more demanding .

Taurus (Born April 20 – May 20)

Fun fortune telling about love stories for 12 zodiac signs in July 2017

Anxiety will appear without cause from the beginning of the month with Taurus.

It’s likely that you will have an active summer, but don’t forget to take care of yourself.

Fun fortune telling about love stories for 12 zodiac signs in July 2017

12 signs of the zodiac

Fun fortune telling for the 12 zodiac signs in July 2017

Gemini (Born May 21 – June 21)

Fun fortune telling about love stories for 12 zodiac signs in July 2017

The first half of July will evoke many thoughts, random emotions and even memories from the past.

The full moon on the 8th will be a provocative factor for Gemini.

Cancer (Born June 22 – July 22)

Fun fortune telling about love stories for 12 zodiac signs in July 2017

The line between choosing to stay calm and starting a war of words is extremely thin, and this month Cancer will find that line.

Fight for what you believe in, but the goal is not to win.

Leo (Born July 23 – August 22)

Fun fortune telling about love stories for 12 zodiac signs in July 2017

Early July will be a great time for Leo to do the jobs you dream of, at this time your will will be the most overwhelming.

On the 20th, Mars will enter to give you a boost of self-motivated energy, but it won’t have much of an impact on your inner self.

Virgo (Born August 23 – September 22)

Fun fortune telling about love stories for 12 zodiac signs in July 2017

Be careful of characters from the past who will return on the Full Moon on the 8th of this month.

The first half of the month will bring many intense temptations but it does not guarantee positive signs will come.

Libra (Born September 23 – October 22)

Fun fortune telling about love stories for 12 zodiac signs in July 2017

Don’t worry so much about what other people think that you forget about yourself.

The Full Moon on the 8th will bring many changes to Libra’s personal life, which may last until the 21st. However, avoiding problems is not the solution, sometimes resolving conflicts and

Scorpio (Born October 23 – November 21)

Fun fortune telling about love stories for 12 zodiac signs in July 2017

Scorpio is not a sweet person among the 12 Zodiac signs, but at heart you are very emotional.

If a conflict occurs, don’t rush to defend yourself.

Fun fortune telling about love stories for 12 zodiac signs in July 2017

12 signs of the zodiac

6 compatible couples in the 12 Zodiac signs

Sagittarius (Born November 22 – December 21)

Fun fortune telling about love stories for 12 zodiac signs in July 2017

Be swept away by love but don’t forget to invest time and effort.

Make sure you’re there when your partner needs you, but if you want time for yourself, communication is key.

Capricorn (Born December 22 – January 19)

Fun fortune telling about love stories for 12 zodiac signs in July 2017

Capricorn will feel overwhelmed this July so you should be careful in your behavior if you don’t want to get into trouble.

The Full Moon on the 8th will stir up many of your pent-up emotions, so the drama surrounding this date may have arisen in advance.

Aquarius (Born January 20 – February 18)

Fun fortune telling about love stories for 12 zodiac signs in July 2017

The New Moon starting to appear from the 23rd will mark something special in your love life.

You will feel a little uncomfortable from the 20th onwards. To reverse this energy flow, you should spend time doing physical activities.

Pisces (Born February 19 – March 20)

Fun fortune telling about love stories for 12 zodiac signs in July 2017

Creativity, love and even sex can make you more passionate this month.

Therefore, this will be the right time for you to create limits and express your own desires.

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