Lan Huong - A woman who always finds joy 0Lan Huong - A woman who always finds joy 0

Hanoi one sunny summer afternoon, I met Ms. Nguyen Lan Huong – founder of the Spa chain called Zen at the `headquarters` located on Xuan Dieu street.

Always busy with work and volunteer programs, but I always see you full of energy. What is your secret?

I am a Buddhist, my dharma name is Lam Tue.

There is a secret to making life more comfortable, which is to not look at things as they are.

So the volunteer project you initiated is a way for you to fulfill your heart?

Our volunteer project is called Zen Moments with the meaning that every passing moment has certain emotions left behind.

To have the success of Zen Spa today, what difficulties did you have to overcome?

At the time Zen Spa was founded 11 years ago, the concept of spas in Vietnam was still very new.

I have written many articles about the spa field with the greatest desire to change people’s perception, that this is not only something that helps customers physically but also mentally.

Currently, Zen Spa is listed in the Japanese press on the list of places to visit to relax when arriving in Hanoi.

Lan Huong - A woman who always finds joy

Ms. Lan Huong is always youthful and full of energy, whether in life or work

Which yoga exercise do you think is the most effective for busy women?

I advise people not to make it difficult for themselves with yoga.

The first exercise that I often share is the exercise to empty the mind to receive new energy.

Thank you and wish you always be full of energy to inspire those around you

Some information about Ms. Lan Huong:

What do your friends say about you?

A person who smiles often and always brings sincerity to those around him.

Your special hobby?

I like listening to music, especially the natural sounds from bamboo musical instruments… At those times I feel like I am returning to nature, extremely relaxing and interesting.

1 month ago I just arrived in Nam Dinh.

What movie are you looking forward to in 2014?

It is a meaningful film for the community, helping me believe more in the good things in life.

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