Hidden in the shadow of love 0Hidden in the shadow of love 0

In many ways, love is like faith: love creates faith.

Need to add, love in contemporary society, if you want to be long-lasting and reach the shore of marriage, long-term, sustainable happiness, requires the presence and support of money, the more money, the better.

Statistics and research seem to confirm this.

In February 2012, the New York Times published an article titled `Marriage is only for the rich`.

Meghan Casserly, ForbesWoman reporter, in an article cited that three-quarters of women interviewed said they would not say `Yes` to their boyfriend’s proposal if he was unemployed.

While this article was being written, in Vietnam, Ngoc Trinh frankly responded to the press that she chose to love rich men.

That same week, I went to dinner with a friend, who is the owner of a large wedding dress store in Sydney.

So love today has exchange elements like commodities?

I and most of my friends of my generation definitely didn’t get married for money.

I’m looking for proof that love is still sacred.

Dear John and Letters to Juliet, Wall-E, three recent very successful romantic films that are popular with young people around the world, are beautiful stories about elegant love.

In contrast to Sex in the City, the book that was made into the movie Eat, Pray, Love, based on the real life of author Elizabeth Gilbert, has proven to us that life does not have to be full of money and things.

The love story of student Phan Thi Nga and disabled boy Nguyen Ba Ky is a fire that warms the hearts of many Vietnamese people, warming the belief that our society is still very beautiful, very humane, still full of love.

Recently, the editor-in-chief of an Australian newspaper said to me while holding his wife’s hand: `Every time I hold my wife’s calloused hand from working so hard to wash clothes and cook meals for my husband and children, I remember the table.`

So what’s the conclusion?

I think that in love, money is secondary and it should only come with true love and affection.

– If you lack money, the power of love is more likely to fade and fade.

Story: Vu Phuong Nhu – Photos: Christine Schneider/Corbis

Women – ELLE

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