March 8, what to give to the woman I love? 9March 8, what to give to the woman I love? 9

The March 8 gift that women expect

Perhaps any guy has learned the basics while growing up: March 8 is International Women’s Day and on this occasion there MUST be gifts.

So the young men’s March 8 gifts revolve around familiar items.

But actually, women won’t be angry because they don’t have a gift.

The March 8 gift that women expect is not inherently frivolous, but the love of the most important men in their lives.

If you only give gifts based on inertia, as soon as the surrounding circumstances change, you will lose that habit.

Guys don’t give gifts

There are guys who give gifts without `heart` and there are also guys who don’t even prepare gifts for the weaker sex.

Receiving an invitation to share about the woman they love on the occasion of March 8, VJ Nam Hee, model Cao Lam Vien, coach Chau Viet Son, singer/songwriter Pham Toan Thang and musician Pham Hong Phuoc gathered together.

VJ Nam Hee showed off her rather sophisticated aesthetic taste with a straw bag full of gifts to give to her mother on March 8 this year.

March 8, what to give to the woman I love?

Pham Hong Phuoc’s younger sister has been deaf since birth. Even though Phuoc’s brother loves her very much, he rarely gives her gifts on March 8.

March 8, what to give to the woman I love?

Model Cao Lam Vien couldn’t wrap gifts, so he came up with a way to arrange flowers with gifts in a simple wooden box that suited his wife’s personality.

March 8, what to give to the woman I love?

Calisthenics coach Chau Viet Son with a fruit gift for his lover.

March 8, what to give to the woman I love?

Musician Pham Toan Thang with a very delicately wrapped gift for his best friend

For Nam Hee, the busyness of adult life made him distracted and forgot to give his mother a gift.

However, none of them take lightly the act of giving love to an important woman on a special day.

If his mother was the one who watched over and protected Nam Hee throughout his life, then for Cao Lam Vien, his `wife` was the warm embrace that embraced and supported his career with all her might.

All 5 guys hope there is a way to surprise their women on this March 8th, reminding women that they are always loved and appreciated.

Let March 8 return to its original meaning

With the support of Laneige and ELLE Women’s Magazine, the guys decided to wrap the gifts of the women they love themselves.

And that is also the most important meaning of International Women’s Day.

This March 8, will you give the woman you love such a gift?

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