Top 3 Vietnam Idols show breakthrough 1Top 3 Vietnam Idols show breakthrough 1

On the evening of April 20, Gala 7 Vietnam Idol with the theme `Judge’s Night` took place with the performances of the top 3 Nhat Thuy, Dong Hung and Minh Thuy.

Top 3 Vietnam Idols at Gala night 7

Receiving instructions from singer My Tam, the top 3 contestants tried their best to present themselves in the best way.

Dong Hung performed the song Radioactive

Dong Hung performed the song like never before

Nhat Thuy is the contestant who received the most compliments from the judges on Gala night 7. She performed the two songs Nang Waiting and Trot Yeu. No matter the style, Nhat Thuy can show certainty.

Nhat Thuy performed the song Waiting Sun

Nhat Thuy performed the song Trot Yeu

As for Minh Thuy, on Gala night 7, although she tried and showed her efforts, she did not get the desired results.

Minh Thuy performed the song Another rainy night

Minh Thuy performs the song Don’t look back

With an energetic Dong Hung, a technical Nhat Thuy and a natural Minh Thuy, the results of who will leave and who will stay in the final night of Vietnam Idol are becoming extremely unpredictable.

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