6 yoga exercises to effectively increase height 16 yoga exercises to effectively increase height 1

Achieving your desired height is not too difficult if you have a reasonable diet and exercise properly.

Photo: Pexels.

How does yoga help increase height?

Yoga exercises combine both physical and mental.

In particular, yoga exercises also increase blood circulation, helping to eliminate toxins from internal organs.

6 yoga exercises to effectively increase height

Thanks to the physical impact on the legs, back and spine, it helps stretch the muscles.

6 yoga exercises to effectively increase height

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6 yoga exercises to increase height

1. Mountain pose

This is a basic yoga exercise for beginners so anyone can do it.


Stand straight, legs together, shoulders relaxed.

Take a deep breath and raise your arms parallel to your head, palms facing each other.

6 yoga exercises to effectively increase height

Mountain pose helps stimulate growth hormone, helping to effectively improve height.

2. Sun salutation pose

This pose is often practiced early in the morning, so it is called sun salutation.


Don’t be straight, clasp your hands in front of your chest and then wrap them behind your head, leaning back as much as possible.

Bend over and hold your ankles with your hands.

Step forward with your right foot, put both hands on the ground and lower your knees perpendicularly.

Bend your elbows and slowly lower your body so that your nose, forehead and chest touch the mat.

Legs and hips lower to the mat, hands propped up to stretch up.

Switch legs and repeat the above movement with the other side.

6 yoga exercises to effectively increase height

Sun salutation helps increase endurance and flexibility, which is beneficial for improving height.

6 yoga exercises to effectively increase height

The secret to being healthy and beautiful

5 basic yoga exercises for beginners

3. Triangle pose

Triangle pose helps stretch the spine and expand the thigh and hip muscles.


Preparing position.

Inhale, lean to the left, touch your left leg with your left hand to shoulder level.

Raise your right hand high, eyes following your right hand, stretch and hold the position for 1 minute.

Return to the preparation position, repeat the movement 3-5 times.

6 yoga exercises to effectively increase height

Photo: Pexels.

4. Cobra pose

This is one of the very effective yoga exercises to increase height because it affects and stretches the spine, strengthening the back muscles.


Lie face down on the mat, arms shoulder-width apart and resting on the mat, fingers pointing up.

Inhale, put your whole body on your hands, slowly lift your head and chest.

Hold this position for 10 – 20 seconds, then exhale and slowly relax your arms and return to the starting position.

6 yoga exercises to effectively increase height

Photo: yoga lovers.

5. Shoulderstand position

The shoulder stand movement helps balance the body, relaxes the neck and shoulder muscles, stretches the spine and improves posture.


Lie face up on the mat, palms facing the floor and placed alongside the body

Slowly lift your legs, buttocks and back straight up, using your hands as support for your back.

Keep your legs and spine straight so your weight is on your shoulders and arms.

If you feel your neck is sore or tense, relax and return your body to a resting state.

6 yoga exercises to effectively increase height

Photo: Pexels.

6 yoga exercises to effectively increase height

The secret to being healthy and beautiful

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6. Bending position

Thanks to the direct impact on the legs and spine, this is a highly effective exercise in improving height.


Keep your body straight, your legs together and your arms stretched out along both sides of your body.

Next, bend your body to the right, raising your left hand in the direction of your head.

During the process, you need to breathe evenly and repeat this process about 5-7 times.

6 yoga exercises to effectively increase height

Photo: wixstatic.

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